"Perhaps the true achievement of Christianity is to elevate a loving (imperfect) Being to the place of God, this is, the place of ultimate perfection" (p. 61).
Once, when I had an authentic spiritual experience (psilocybin-induced of course), this was precisely the realization that was so powerful. The thought that "God needs to be loved to" was so immense it overwhelmed me. I saw creation as beautiful, and yet imperfect. But love, love is real. Creation existed for the sake of love. And Jesus knew love, and knew God.
My vision was very feminine in nature, I remember I could see several women sitting with Jesus. Judiasm deals with the masculine, but "Love, on the other hand, is 'feminine': it involves the paradoxes of the non-All" (Zizek, 2002, p. 61).
There was a time when I believed in nothing more than the reality of love and God. When I began to study the bible however, I experienced confusion, and ultimately a loss of the original revelation.
Looking through the lens of Zizek's atheistic perspective, I conjecture that perhaps there is a need for the imperfect being to be at the place of ultimate perfection. Perhaps some sort of social movement could be built around it.
Zizek, S. (2002). The real of sexual difference. In Reading seminar XX: Lacan’s major work on love, knowledge, and feminine sexuality (pp. 57-77).